The Deacons meet regularly both online and in person and continue to assist Pastor Todd and the church in the spiritual direction of First Church.  We have 4 active Deacons, but we are always looking for more to help share the work!  Many hands make light work and this group has a lot of responsibility in the coming year.

Some of our initiatives:

To reach each and every member to be counted and discuss their hopes and desires for the future of our church.

To provide help and guidance to the Settled Pastor Search group in the coming months.

The witness stones project which shines a light on the history of our town and the lower valley shore area in relation to the lives and faith practices of enslaved people.

To continue to assist the Pastor in administering the sacraments of Baptism and Communion as well as serve at special services.

Assist the Pastor in welcoming new members and conducting new member classes.  

Chair: Jay Downes

Members: Nancy Chupak,Charlie McSorley