Music Ministry lends excitement to Sunday Service!

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The Music Ministry is an important and vital component of life at First Church of Christ in Saybrook.

At the 10:00am Suday Service, our resident ensemble focuses on enhancing the Word through Jazz Music, Traditional Music with our Adult Choir, contributing soloists, and small ensembles concentrate on illuminating the many enduring elements associated with worship.

Throughout the year, we also strive to enrich the fellowship at First Church through various musical offerings, including the Community Carol Sing, guest musicians during the Christmas and Easter seasons, and special concerts.

Currently, First Church is looking for new members to join our Adult Choir! If you are interested in adding your talents to our community, please contact the church office.

Below, click on the link for an article titled, "Support for Music Programs at First Church and the Evolution of the Electronic Organ" by former choir member Larry Morse.

Jazz Band Director: Mark Gehret

Jazz Band Members: John Gage, Ron Murray, Jeremy Taylor

Choir Director: Filippo Santoro

Choir Members: Sue Donaldson, Jay Downes, Peter Fredrickson, Leigh Gesick, Cindy Gibbs, Diane Hillyer, Garry & Valerie Jaconsen, Bill McLaughlin, Glenda Sohl, Robert Zenga