Rev. Dr. Todd Grant Yonkman has been engaged in professional ministry for the past 25 years. He has served congregations in the midwest and northeast as a settled pastor, Transitional Senior Minister, Senior Co-Minister, and church planter. He is currently serving as Senior Minister of First Church of Christ in Saybrook.
Rev. Yonkman has been ordained in the United Church of Christ since 1999. He is an Interim Ministry Network accredited Professional Transition Specialist. He has Professional Certified Coach level training and is a member of the International Coaching Federation. He serves on the Temple Development Committee for the Worcester Zen Center, and is UCC representative to the National Council of Churches Buddhist-Christian dialogue. His publications include Reconstructing Church: Tools for Turning Your Congregation Around, (Rowman & Littlefield, 2014).
Rev. Yonkman and his wife, Rev. Nicole Grant Yonkman, have two adult daughters, three house rabbits, and a black lab named Mayleen. Check out Pastor Todd’s blog at He can be reached at